“Birthmonth isn’t about me. It’s about celebrating this amazing gift called life. It’s about taking time out to be intensely grateful, joyful, playful, and in love with this journey I have been blessed with.”
It’s May!! I LOVE May. It is my 30 day celebration of life. And I get to do it every single year!
In the old days, I used to have a big birthday party, but the thing is, I much prefer really connecting one-on-one with all the people I love. So a few years ago I started setting up individual celebrations with each of the people I love: family, friends, co-workers, and mentors. And so “Birthmonth” was created. It’s now a tradition and has expanded into something so much more than just partying.
Just as January 1 is the calendar New Year, May 8 is my personal New Year. It’s a month that I look at all that I have done in the past year, my successes, challenges, glorious moments, tearful events, and bask in all the ways I have grown, expanded, and changed. And I then look forward to all the possibilities that this new year of life holds for me.
May is the time that I focus on appreciating all the blessings in my life. I get to celebrate that my life began, that I made it through all those times when I didn’t think I could, and all those amazing things that are right in my life. Things like my blissful marriage, my amazing family and friends, my adorable pooch, my deeply fulfilling business, my loyal, courageous clients, and the list goes on and on. This is the month of gratitude and savoring my life.
The funny thing about this is that so many people make fun of me for making such a big deal about my birthday. Many people don’t want to “make a big deal” about their birthdays. They feel it’s too self-centered. But from my perspective, birthmonth isn’t about me. It’s about celebrating this amazing gift called life. It’s about taking time out to be intensely grateful, joyful, playful, and in love with this journey I have been blessed with. It’s about loving life for all that is good, and even all that is bad. It’s about being grateful for the lessons I have had to learn, and for being able to live more wisely and joyously because of them. Birthmonth is my month of completely embodying Bliss.
Do you give yourself an opportunity to completely immerse yourself in Bliss? Maybe you still think it’s silly to put so much emphasis on your birthday. That’s okay. But pick a time, whether it’s a day, week, or month, when you allow yourself to be completely overwhelmed by the blessings in your life. To simply bask in the fact that you are alive. To nurture your soul, feed your spirit, and make your own heart sing. You deserve your own personal version of “Birthmonth.” Remember Bliss is your birthright. “Birthmonth” is your time to fully experience true, abounding, unfaltering, exquisiteBLISS. It is your time to experience the truly amazing gift of just being you.