
Hi Monica, I just listened to the recording of the numerology reading you did for me, and I am astonished at how accurate it was!  It is great to know the positive and negative aspects of each number and to … Read More


Dearest Moneeka, Thank you so much for inviting me to your Bliss Retreat.  I honestly did not know what to expect but I’m truly glad that I came.  It’s such a relief to know that I’m not alone in the … Read More


Today I had my very first Numerology reading. I had no idea what to expect. My knowledge of Numerology is very minimal. I was amazed at all it entailed and as Monica performed my reading I began to see how … Read More


Attending the Bliss Retreat was a rewarding experience on many levels. Moneeka formulated different activities which allowed each participant to explore how to create their own bliss. She encouraged and embraced a safe environment that enabled all of us to … Read More