“Choose Bliss: The Power and Practice of Joy and Contentment is a motivational self-help book written by Moneeka Sawyer. The author has transformed her life into one filled with bliss, but she had many of the same challenges and hardships that others experience in their lives. How was she able to get past them? Sawyer discusses her definition of what bliss is for her, and how it makes for a life filled with joy and contentment. She relates the difficulties she had as an Indian child growing up in a predominately white neighborhood, and the other traumatic experiences she had to come to terms with in her search for bliss. She shares her life-journey with her readers, and shows how to make your ego into a friend, how to practice self-love, how to forgive, and how to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. Along the way, Sawyer’s prescription for bliss coalesces into a formula that can be infinitely adapted to the reader’s personal needs.
Moneeka Sawyer’s motivational self-help book, Choose Bliss: The Power and Practice of Joy and Contentment, is an inspiring and accessible read. Sawyer’s voice is confident and clear as she relates her past issues and the journey she undertook to find her bliss. She writes in an easy and conversational manner, and I soon realized there was neither pretense nor artifice in what she was sharing. Sawyer is frank and fearless as she speaks of past trauma, and her strength and resilience are testimony to the effectiveness of her philosophy. I especially like the assignments she gives her readers as they hone in on the essentials of each chapter, and helps her readers to make those concepts their own. Still angry over something someone said or did all those years ago? Sawyer makes it impossibly easy to get over it and get happy instead. Choose Bliss: The Power and Practice of Joy and Contentment is highly recommended.”