Jack Magnus for Readers’ Favorite

“Choose Bliss: The Power and Practice of Joy and Contentment is a motivational self-help book written by Moneeka Sawyer. The author has transformed her life into one filled with bliss, but she had many of the same challenges and hardships that … Read More

Hilary Hawkes for Readers’ Favorite

“Choose Bliss: The Power and Practice of Joy and Contentment by Moneeka Sawyer is an inspirational and motivational self-help book for anyone who wants to know how to experience life in a more peaceful and fulfilled way. The author experienced … Read More

H. B.

“I’ve read a lot of self-help books and this one feels different – more authentic – because Moneeka shares her own life journey and how she overcame problems in a way that I could relate to. The main thing I … Read More

Pamela L.

“Moneeka is passionate about living her life in bliss and does a wonderful job conveying that passion to her readers. Written in a conversational style and usIng experiences from her life, Moneeka guides her readers on how to make choices … Read More

Rachel H.

“I’ve been on the self-improvement/spiritual path for a very long time, yet I seem to keep coming back to the same issues on different levels. At a point in my life that I had (once again) allowed myself to get … Read More

James C.

“Bliss has been one of those concepts that has been in the public sphere ever since Joseph Campbell encouraged all of us to “Follow Your Bliss.” However, like many, I’ve always found it challenging to put that sage advice into … Read More

Elisa D.

“I have to admit I’ve never given “bliss” all that much thought. Happiness, contentment, even joy from time to time – sure, but bliss? Not really. So when I saw the title of this book by an author whose cookbooks … Read More

Janice H.

“This book came to me at a very useful time. When reading Choose Bliss, I didn’t consider my personal situation until I was about half finished reading, then it dawned on me that I could put the information into practical … Read More