Healing Your Inner Chaos Workshop

Are you struggling with feeling stuck, lost, overwhelmed, and that your life has no meaning?

Do you want to stop reacting to life’s dramas so you can feel alive, energetic, creative, and fulfilled?

You’ve done the work. You’ve done it right. But there is something haunting you that you haven’t been able to reach yet. You can get direct access to it through your Inner Child.

Healing Your Inner Chaos is a 6-week program for loving and nurturing the distressed parts of you. Each week you will learn the tools and gain the confidence to release destructive lifelong habits and free yourself to live powerfully in the present.

This program is designed to boost your self-belief and give you the ability to have a more loving relationship with yourself. You will create the freedom to be happy and joyful in the moment, no matter what’s happening in your life. 

What’s Included in Healing Your Inner Chaos


  • 6 weeks of audio trainings, meditations, and exercises.
  • Practices include: Your Big WHY, Staying Consistent and Persistent, Taking Back Your Power, Accessing Your Subconscious Mind, Meeting and Befriending Your Inner Child, Understanding Your Soul Agreements, Discover the Role Your Sexual Energy Plays in Your Healing Journey, and more.
  • Recordings, transcripts, and PDFs of all program materials.




  • Personal Numerology Reading to include a PDF numerology chart and recorded, one-on-one intuitive reading and interpretation with Moneeka. ($500 value)
  • Psychosomatic Chart Reading to find out what your body is telling you about what is holding you back. Your body doesn’t lie! ($300 value)
  • 2 Group Calls —live, recorded Q&A and implementation calls with Moneeka. ($400 value)


Total Value: $1800
Your Investment: $597


Early Bird Special: $497

Options: 1payment of  $497 or 2 payments ($250 deposit/$250 at 30 days)


HURRY! Class begins November 1st. Enrollment forms are available now.